Ana Ropero Cardanete


Name: Ana Ropero Cardenete
Motorcycle: Hyosung Karion 125
Instagram: roperillo


I live in Spain. When I was 14 years old I used to ride a little Yamaha Jog 50 cc scooter. I moved up to a 125 cc motorcycle. My first crash was on a tram railway which can be tricky. I got up and tried to pick up my bike as quickly as possible.  A man came to help me pick it up. He saw my leg and said “But girl, your leg is bleeding!” I saw it and said “Oh! You’re right, thank you sir”. I got it together and rode to my destination, then I went to the hospital. it was only a bruise on my leg, but it hurt pretty bad for a few days.

My other fond memory is when I my father taught me how to change the oil in my motorcycle. We also took out all the rust on my exhaust pipe, and sanded and painted it.

My first ride in a big city was in Lisbon, Portugal, with my father. He was riding his bike and I was riding my sister’s. It was 35° C and very hot so I was wearing no gear and just my helmet. We rode around the city center with tourists everywhere, cars, trams, and people exclaiming “Look, it’s a girl!” I was terrified but I forced myself to concentrate and keep riding. I think sometimes my father must think that I’m like him with the same experience and skills on a motorbike. He was going really fast around cars and people, but I managed to keep up! (smiles)

My last great ride was when I rode on narrow mountain roads with my father to a strontium mine near Granada, a natural park with great views. favicon

Women Who Ride: Ana Ropero rides through Lisbon

Ana Ropero rides through Lisbon

Women Who Ride: Ana Ropero rides through Granada on the natural park of Sierra Nevada

Ana Ropero rides through Granada on the natural park of Sierra Nevada